White Clay Creek Preserve / Big Elk Creek State Park Information

March 5, 2025, PA Office of Open Records Final Determination in the matter of Rep. Lawrence vs. PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, granting, in part, Rep. Lawrence's Nov. 25, 2024, Right to Know request.

March 5, 2025, Rep. Lawrence March 4, 2025, Right-To-Know request to DCNR.

Feb. 6, 2025, Rep. Lawrence Comment to DCNR Regarding Proposed Master Plan for Big Elk Creek

DCNR White Clay Creek History Website as of Jan 22, 2025, stating the White Clay Creek Preserve is made up of two areas - the "White Clay Creek Section" and the "Big Elk Creek Section" - and proclaiming that they are "the only land designated as a preserve in DCNR's Bureau of State Parks," clearly showing DCNR's original intent to manage Big Elk Creek as part of the White Clay Creek Preserve.

Jan. 18, 2025, Rep. Lawrence Appeal to the PA Office of Open Records Regarding DCNR’s Denial of His Nov. 25, 2024, Right-To-Know Request.

Jan. 3, 2025, DCNR Response to Lawrence Right-To-Know Request

Dec. 2, 2024, DCNR’s Initial Response to Lawrence Right-To-Know Request

Rep. Lawrence Right to Know Law Request Filed Nov. 25, 2024

Rep. Lawrence Proposal to Redesignate Big Elk Creek State Park as Big Elk Creek Preserve and to manage it in coordination with White Clay Creek Preserve as presented at the August 27, 2024, Big Elk Creek Task Force Meeting.

Policy Committee Hearing regarding Big Elk Creek State Park held at Avon Grove High School on July 9, 2024.  Rep. Lawrence’s questions to PA State Parks Director John Hallas begin at 46:33.

Chester County Press Article on the July 9, 2024, Policy Hearing regarding Big Elk Creek State Park

Lawrence Letter to State Parks Director Hallas Regarding the July 9, 2024, Policy Committee Hearing.

Lawrence Letter to State Parks Director Hallas Regarding the March 28 Advisory Committee Meeting.
DCNR Response to Rep Lawrence claiming DCNR is “not subject to local zoning ordinances.”
Video of Rep Lawrence asking DCNR Secretary Cindy Dunn if DCNR will comply with Elk Township’s zoning code.

Email from John Hallas, Director of State Parks, to John Norbeck, DCNR Deputy Secretary for Parks and Forestry outlining their proposed plans for the Strawbridge Parcels five months before the creation of Big Elk Creek State Park was announced to the public.  Proposal includes $14 million dollar development plan, including "a modern family campground with our full spectrum of site types, and [a] camping cottage colony [to] make this park a destination."  Also proposed: $250,000 on-site waste water treatment facility, $450,000 drinking water treatment facility, $500,000 for pit latrines, and a $2.5 million visitors center.

Natural Heritage Area review of Big Elk Creek area.  Recommendations include "avoid additional development of natural habitats and protect the riparian habitat from logging and other fragmentation," "protect the existing forested areas from logging and other large scale disturbance," and "avoid building additional houses or infrastructure within the NHA."

DCNR Conservation Planning Report for Big Elk properties.

SMP Architects Proposal for Design Services for Big Elk Creek State Park.

DCNR Notice to Proceed to SMP Architects for $203,203.00 Big Elk Creek State Park master plan.

Letter from DCNR to National Park Service Environmental Assessment of Strawbridge 2 Parcel submitted by DCNR to the National Park Service on March 29, 2019, in which DCNR tells the federal government that the property will be added to the White Clay Creek Preserve; provide passive recreation such as hiking, hunting, fishing, and wildlife watching; create a unique, contiguous area of public open space spanning two states; and no development or construction of any infrastructure is proposed for the property

Appendices attached to DCNR’s March, 29, 2019, application to the National Park Service
Appendix A – Maps
Appendix B – January 3, 2019 Appraisal performed for DCNR by Snyder Appraisal Associates, Lancaster PA
Appendix C, D, E, F, G, I, J, K 
Appendix H – Phase 1 ESA Report

Appendix L – Comments 

Letter from Rep. Lawrence to Governor Shapiro

Rep. Lawrence letter to DCNR Secretary Dunn and Director Hallas

DCNR Big Elk Creek "Ground" Survey with Freeform Comments included.

DCNR Big Elk Creek "Online" Survey with Freeform Comments included.

Surveys of Strawbridge Properties (Survey 1, Survey 2, Survey 3, Alta Draft).

SMP DCNR Big Elk Contract.

Comment cards submitted from the audience at DCNR's Nov. 6, 2023, meeting at Lincoln University

Pesticide/Herbicide Usage at Big Elk Creek State Park.    

Lawrence Second DCNR Right to Know Request.

Franklin Township Board of Supervisors Meeting.

Letter from Rep. Lawrence to State Parks Director John Hallas.

letter from Rep. Lawrence to DCNR Secretary Cindy Dunn and State Parks Director John Hallas regarding the Big Elk Creek State Park.
Audience screen capture of DCNR’s proposed development plans for Big Elk Creek State Park presented at Lincoln University.
2009 Deed Restriction filed with Chester County for “Strawbridge One” Parcel.

Results from DCNR Internet Survey conducted Summer/Fall 2023 on proposed Big Elk development (Survey #1).

Results from DCNR QR Code Survey conducted Summer/Fall 2023 on proposed Big Elk development (Survey #2).

House Resolution 250 of 1984 (The Concurrent Resolution that references the Bi-State committee but does not have the force of law.)

Rep. Lawrence Right-To-Know Request filed with DCNR on the unilateral redesignation of part of the White Clay Creek Preserve to the newly created Big Elk Creek State Park.
House Bill 1813 introduced by Rep. Lawrence, which would halt the proposed development of Big Elk Creek State Park, and instead require DCNR to manage the park as it has historically managed the White Clay Creek Preserve.
Official DCNR White Clay Creek Preserve Map showing the Big Elk Creek area as part of the Preserve.

2020 Deed Restriction filed with Chester County for “Strawbridge Two Phase 3” Parcel.
Philadelphia Inquirer article quoting DCNR stating Big Elk will be part of the White Clay Creek Preserve.

PennLive Article quoting DCNR stating that the Big Elk property “will remain largely undeveloped,” “will always remain a place for low-impact recreation,” and describes Big Elk as a “non-developed park…for those wishing to explore nature without the development typically associated with a day-use or overnight park.”

DCNR notice appears in the Pennsylvania Bulletin regarding the state’s acquisition of the Strawbridge property, stating “The Property is adjacent to the Department’s White Clay Creek Preserve and will provide passive recreation such as hiking, hunting and wildlife watching.”

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