Lawrence Issues Statement Responding to Lawsuit Filed Related to Select Committee’s Ongoing Investigation

September 2, 2022

HARRISBURG – Rep. John Lawrence (R-Chester/Lancaster), chairman of the House Select Committee on Restoring Law and Order, released the following statement Friday in response to a lawsuit filed by the Philadelphia District Attorney claiming he is not subject to oversight from the General Assembly:

“At a time when Philadelphia has seen record levels of crime and violence, a bipartisan majority of the House approved House Resolution 216 to investigate surging crime and violence in the city. The Select Committee’s ongoing mission established by House Resolution 216 will not be deterred by the grandstanding and stonewalling that some have chosen to pursue.

“No one is above the law. The House of Representatives has clear authority under the Pennsylvania Constitution, state law, case law, and the Rules of the House to pursue this legislative initiative. As Chairman, I will take appropriate action to ensure the mandate of the Select Committee is fulfilled, and the institutional authority of the House is maintained.”

House Resolution 216 established the Select Committee on Restoring Law and Order to investigate, review and make legislative findings and recommendations to the House of Representatives regarding the rising rates of crime in the City of Philadelphia; the city’s use of public funds intended for law enforcement and prosecuting crime; the enforcement of crime victim rights in Philadelphia; and the use of public funds for the purpose of benefitting the city’s crime victims. The resolution authorizes the chairman to subpoena information relevant to the committee’s work.

Representative John Lawrence
13th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

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